Country Junction Feeds

Country Junction Fed Animals Are Healthier and Stronger
Our feeding programs advanced through years of nutrition expertise integrated with a wealth of experience and local knowledge. Our feeding programs are backed by strict bio-security procedures and quality control measures to ensure that you receive the highest quality feed. Country Junction is the name you have come to know and trust.
Try us - you won't be disappointed!
We are proud to be a Pro-Cert certified feed mill, the only certified organic full-line feed mill in Alberta. If you require an organic line of products for your operation the Wetaskiwin Co-op Country Junction Feed Mill is proud to be the only certified organic full-line feed mill in Alberta. We can help you with premix or customized orders.
Organic Feed
Country Junction Organic Feeds
Wetaskiwin Co-op has a variety of products to meet the needs of the organic livestock producer. The mill is certified to produce organic feeds by Pro-Cert and has been organic certified since 2007. A dedicated receiving and bin system for the organic feed line was installed in 2011. Wetaskiwin Co-op takes the production of high quality and nutritious organic feeds seriously.
We are proud to be a Pro-Cert certified feed mill, the only certified organic full-line feed mill in Alberta.
We produce organic feeds, customized or premixes, for Dairy, Poultry, Swine, Equine and Other Species.
Many of our customers get their organic feeds including the premixes, in bulk (>1 tonne quantities), conveniently delivered to their bins on farm.
Organic Dairy Rations and Supplements
We have a full line of pelletted and textured Organic Dairy Rations and Supplements available in bulk as well as a line of bagged feeds including:
- Organic 18% Textured Calf Starter
- Dairy Premix for Organics
- Dry Cow Dairy Premix for Organics
- 20 kg pails of Organic Cane Molasses
Organic Poultry
Our organic poultry line is also extensive with all pullet grower, layer and broiler phases of production available in bulk or one tonne tote bags as well as our popular organic bagged feed line (all pellets and crumbles). The bagged organic poultry feeds include:
- Organic 20% Chick Starter
- Organic 17% Poultry Grower
- Organic 17% Layer
- Organic Hen Scratch
- Poultry Macro Premix
Country Junction Poultry Macro Premix, for use in organic feeds (40 kg/tonne inclusion) to provide your vitamin, mineral, enzyme, amino acid and probiotic needs to a wide range of poultry, is for those who mix their own feeds on-farm.
Organic Swine Macro Premix
We also manufacture a Country Junction Swine Macro Premix for use in organic feeds (50 kg/tonne inclusion) to provide required vitamins, minerals and supplemental amino acids to all phases of organic swine production for those who mix their own organic swine feeds on-farm.
Organic Equine Horse Ration
For those of you who have horses that require organic feeds, we manufacture and bag our Organic 14% Horse Ration. This is a pelleted complete horse ration that is made with organic ingredients to provide the nutritional needs of your performance or companion horse.
Organic Feeds for Other Species
Organic feeds for other species have also been made to order. Two examples are Organic Turkey Grower and Organic Goat Ration. We also buy and sell organic commodities as well as many ingredients approved for use in organic feeds. Bagged feeds come in easy to handle 20 kg bags. Many of our customers get their organic feeds including the premixes, in bulk (>1 tonne quantities), conveniently delivered to their bins on farm.
Contact one of our nutritionists or sales representative by email or phone 1800-729-9155 or 780-352-9155 to find out more about Country Junction Organic Feeds.
Nutritionally Strengthening the Next Generation of Cattle
We have several choices of product for the beef industry producers. Cows fed with Country Junction products will outweigh other cattle - make the comparison and we're sure you'll never try another feed.
Your Cows - Healthy, Productive, Profitable
Higher Conception Rate and Shorter Calving Season - quality cows are the backbone of your cattle operation. With the proper nutrition your cow herd can get a higher conception rate and a shorter calving season.
- Balance Micro-Nutrients for Stronger Heats
- Body Condition is Essential
- Solutions Designed for Alberta Cattle
The right diet, including the proper minerals, vitamins, and micronutrients will save you from problems with breeding and calving – helping your bottom line.
Growing Healthy Calves
Bigger Calves and Bigger Returns - a healthy calf is a profitable calf. Insuring that your calves are getting the right nutrition can be as easy as choosing the right creep ration.
- The Right Creep Ration Yields the Best Returns
- Excellent Palatability to Complement Mama's Milk
- Longevity Builds Value
- Right Way Rations Promote Proper Development
Research says that producers who creep feed their calves consistently get better returns for their dollars invested.
Strengthen Your Herd with a Good Mineral Program
Got a Lot of Mouths to Feed - Be proactive - the right mineral can protect your herd from common deficiencies found in local pasture and forages.
- Designed with palatability in mind.
- You get all the benefits of a proper mineral program for about a dime a day.
- Balanced vitamins for stronger immune system.
- Enhanced micronutrients strengthen your cows reproductive ability for longer, stronger, more consistent heats.
Using years of local research our minerals are formulated to exceed the demands of Central Alberta.
Quality Gets Noticed
Your Show Cattle in the Eyes of Others - Show cattle require a unique diet which should start up to three months in advance of their first show. Providing an appropriate diet will ensure that your show cattle fill out properly, hold their condition, keep their immune system strong.
- Preparations Pays Off
- Good Condition, a Strong Immune System and a Healthy Shine
- Balance is the Key
- Increase in Stress Levels means more susceptibility to Disease
- Feeds Designed to Get Your Show Cattle Noticed
Be ready to compete against tough competition.
Ensuring good growth and proper finish, our 4-H rations are designed to get you the maximum return for your investment.
Finish Faster
Maximize Your Feed Efficiency - more pounds for less money – that’s what better nutrition can do for your operation.
- Ready for Slaughter Sooner
- Customized to Your Operation
Healthy cattle handle stress efficiently, which leads to resilience to disease, better feed intake, and higher rate of gain, and more money in your pocket at the end of the day.
Contact one of our nutritionists or sales representative by email or phone 1800-729-9155 or 780-352-9155 to find out more about Country Junction Feeds.
Dairy Rations = More Milk
Maintaining High Levels of Production
The Wetaskiwin Co-op's Country Junction Feed Mill produces a variety of products for dairy operations. If you require an organic line of products for your operation the Wetaskiwin Co-op Country Junction Feed Mill is proud to be the only certified organic full-line feed mill in Alberta. We can help you with premix or customized orders.
Nutritionally Balanced Ration = More Milk
To serve the nutritional needs of our nation the dairy industry has conducted extensive research and experimentation. The result of these studies is enhanced methods of selection, breeding and feeding of cows. One hundred years ago a dairy farmer could expect the average cow to yield 1,700 quarts of milk annually. Today, milk production has soared to more than 8,200 quarts per cow.
For the producer proper nutritional management is critical. As herd sizes and production levels continue to increase dairy producers have to concentrate on grouping and feeding systems, the body conditioning, and the various nutritional requirements for their high producing dairy cows.
The variance in production levels and lactation stages means that the producer needs to provide the different ration formulations to each group in order to optimize and maintain high levels of production.
A Properly Nourished Cow
Not only are modifications to the feeding system necessary for the producer to maintain profitable production, but also for the physical well-being of the cow. A properly nourished cow is in better physical condition to defend against infections, handle stress, and other physical challenges. Likewise proper nutritional intake is essential early in the lactation to prepare the cow's reproductive system for conception and pregnancy.
Country Junction's goals have always been to help dairy farmers implement an effective feeding program that allows maximum intake of a nutritionally balanced ration that combines all quality dietary ingredients formulated to meet specific requirements.
We want to help your herd produce more milk. Our dairy experts will prepare a personal profile of your dairy operation and help you to design a nutritious feeding program for improved bottom line results. Contact one of our nutritionists or sales representative by email or phone 1800-729-9155 or 780-352-9155 to find out more about Country Junction Feeds.
Healthy Horses
Horses require proper nutrition for growth and development to reach their full genetic potential. Training and competition can create stress that only healthy horses can best endure. Balanced nutrition is a major key to equine health.
Country Junction Feeds Equine Nutrition is formulated based on proven equine research that digestible fibre is essential for good horse health. Country Junction Horse Feed is fresh and consistent quality. All our horse feeds have been developed by nutritionist Bernie Grumpelt.
If you require an organic line of products for your operation the Wetaskiwin Co-op Country Junction Feed Mill is proud to be the only certified organic full-line feed mill in Alberta. We can help you with premix or customized orders.
Country Junction Horse Feeds
- 18.5% Foal Ration
- 14% Sweet Horse
- Hoffman’s Horse Ration
- Hoffman’s Performance Mineral
- 12.5% Horse Ration
- Senior Horse Ration
- 16% Crunchies
Contact one of our nutritionists or sales representative by email or phone 1800-729-9155 or 780-352-9155 to find out more about Country Junction Feeds.
Your Poultry
We produce feeds for both major producers and smaller operations, with specialization in making premixed feeds, customized feeding programs, and the organic poultry market. As well, we make the new WholeSource™ feed for Maple Leaf Foods.
We make poultry rations for producers of broiler breeders, laying hens, pullets, broiler chickens, and turkeys. Our feeds contains a proper balance of nutrients for each life stage of egg or meat production.
- Rations for growing and finishing meat-type birds.
- For developing chicks to become laying hens.
- For laying hens to increase egg production and shell quality.
- For broiler breeders.
Available in bagged feed
- 20% Chick Starter
- 16% Poultry Grower
- 17% Layer Ration
- Layer Supplement
- Duck & Goose Starter
- Duck & Goose Grower
- CJ Turkey Starter w/Amprol*
- CJ Turkey Grower
*Note Amprol is used to aid in the prevention of coccidiosis
Organic Poultry Line
Wetaskiwin Co-op Country Junction Feedmill is proud to be the only certified organic full-line feed mill in Alberta. We can help you with premix or customized orders. Our organic poultry line is also extensive with all pullet grower, layer and broiler phases of production available in bulk or one tonne tote bags as well as our popular organic bagged feed line (all pellets and crumbles). The bagged organic poultry feeds include: Organic 20% Chick Starter, Organic 17% Poultry Grower, Organic 17% Layer, Organic Hen Scratch, Poultry Macro Premix, Organic Turkey Grower
Country Junction Poultry Macro Premix, for use in organic feeds (40 kg/tonne inclusion) to provide your vitamin, mineral, enzyme, amino acid and probiotic needs to a wide range of poultry, is for those who mix their own feeds on-farm.
Remember: When you arrive home with the chicks, the first priority is to get water into the chicks. The chicks will survive if they do not eat on the first day but they must have water. Many chicks will lose 5 - 10 grams body weight during shipping and pickup. A chick that loses 10 grams body weight will die if not quickly rehydrated.
Superb Swine
Healthy - Productive - Profitable
We have several choices of product for swine producers. If you require an organic line of products for your operation the Wetaskiwin Co-op Country Junction Feed Mill is proud to be the only certified organic full-line feed mill in Alberta. We can help you with premix or customized orders.
Our in-house swine authority is Brian Malmas, who has been with us for more than 25 years. Brian has a wealth of knowledge about the feed industry and swine in particular. He can help you custom-design a feed program that is an economical and nutritional package. He is committed to serving you with prompt efficient service.
Contact one of our nutritionists or sales representative by email or phone 1800-729-9155 or 780-352-9155 to find out more about Country Junction Feeds.
Other Species
Unique Feed Solutions for Unique Animals
We are proud to offer nutritious solutions for the daily care of your livestock in the 21st century.
Whether you manage a large-scale operations or own a smaller-scale livestock producing business, we have the expertise, technology, and facilities to formulate a customized feed program for any type of unique animal.
Wetaskiwin Co-op Country Junction Feedmill is proud to be the only certified organic full-line feed mill in Alberta. We can help you with premix or customized orders of organic feed.
Your concerns about a bison feeding program are likely centered on helping your animals cycle through the summer grazing period when the energy demands of lactating females and breeding bulls are higher, and through the winter months when the bison metabolism slows down.
Elk experience changes in appetite, growth and reproduction along with changes in the seasons. For optimum health they require vitamin and mineral supplemental rations similar to that of other domestic livestock to balance their nutritional needs throughout the year.
Whether you are feeding pregnant or lactating does, one to sixteen-week old kids, or maturing goats for market we can formulate a very palatable ration specific to each of their nutritional needs.
Because feed costs account for the bulk of the cost of production on most sheep farms, it is important that producers consider nutrition management a top priority. We offer grower, finisher and conditioning products that are essential for proper growth, health and reproductive performance.
We use quality ingredients that are mixed in just the right way to provide everything that your cat will need for complete and balanced nutrition. Even the most finicky pets will love this nutritious choice.
Our dog food choices are formulated to meet the needs of all types of dogs. If you have a very active dog, puppies, or an older friend who has less energy we have the right balanced nutritional package to keep your pet happy and healthy.
Other Small Mammals, Camelids, Ratite, and Other Pets.
All of our custom-made feed rations are designed
- For easy consumption.
- To supply needed vitamins and minerals to complement natural or other feedstuffs that are available to producers
- In a variety of sizes and textures which results in less feed waste - pelleted, rolled feeds, crumbles.
- For meat-producing, fur-producing, show and breeding livestock.
Contact one of our nutritionists or sales representative by email or phone 1800-729-9155 or 780-352-9155 to find out more about Country Junction Feeds.